Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri diucapkan kepada seluruh umat Islam di seluruh dunia.tak lupa kpada keluargaku yang tercinta.kedua ibubapa dan sanak-saudara yang mengenali diri ini.Salam Syawal.
lme da xmen sukan ni.yela membe aq asik bz jer.bkan bz pe.parents aq paham2 je la.mat skrng da kemas men dia.zarul dgn merul da lme x men dgn dorang.ngan ejat pn sme.kalah bayar.hahaha.xmen da camtu.pokai aq.haziq lak da semakin terrer.pasni kne g men gak.aritu kejap je men bfore men lepas gak hajat nk men sukan skrng aq sbuk kt Driving Range jer.urmm xpe2 pasni mmg aq g men.(",).
Re : Excuse for not coming to class on 2nd July 2009, Thursday As stated above,I, ,I/C no, with ID no. KI090075 was unable to come on 2nd July 2009 because of some reason. 2) The reason why I didn`t show up to class is that I had an appointment that can`t be missed on that particular day.I had an appointment with the government dental`s hospital.Becouse the appointment was already made earlier, so it was not changeable. 3) Therefore, I would like to say sorry for not attending the class.I definitely would have come to the class if the appointment was excusable.I will try my best to catch things up on the next class.Thank you. Sincerely, Faisal *to Miss Chuah Ai Ling and Professor Shahimi. *thanks to Leya and Salleh.